The House Addition - Page 1 - Dec 2003
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Updated: March 23, 2004
Cam helps out where the big shovel can't make it
Cam backfilling by hand
Amanda tidies up the woodpile
Wrap it up for Christmas
Amanda cuts
Cam works on the window frame
Building inspector signs off on the foundation
Alf backfills the foundation
Pouring some crush back into the hole
Cam inspects
Amanda spreads the gravel
Steve builds a wall where there was no wall before
Steve removes the foundation framing
Two small basement windows in the future storage room
Larger windows in the future rec room
Steam rises from the foundation as the setting concrete heats up
Old front deck is gone
Steve and Cam watch the ground breaking
Day 1 and the hole is dug
Cam puts insulation over the water line
Dec 6, 2003