Our Mini-Vacation in Bend - October 4-8, 2015
This was our get-away to relax, hike, take in high-desert nature, and work on the design of our new house. We brought computers loaded with three CAD programs to work on finalizing floor plans and did several hikes interspersed with quite times with a glass of wine on our deck at Seventh Mountain.
Our Hikes
Deschutes River Trail - an easy trail along the shore of the Deschutes River that varies from river level to perhaps 200 feet above. The river varies from calm wide places to rapids with strong currents. Something to see everywhere along the way.
Black Butte Trail - a 2-mile hike with an elevation gain of 1600 feet to the 6456 foot summit.
Suttle Lake Trail - an easy 4-mile shore loop.